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to be honest i don't really know what to say! there is so much to tell you in such a limited time span.

oh, but you're still here... well, hello again, i'm al! i currently major in computer science and i'm learning java (save me please).

just an extremely busy person who tends to keep to herself, but i'm not scary really. i'm half hispanic/asian (philippines + spain)! and my age? i'm not that old yet.

to get additional information, please contact your mother.


THE FUN PART!!! i enjoy so many things you wouldn't even imagine! ahh, where to even start?

i guess we can start off with the basics. i consider myself as an artsy person. i love to draw so much, especially surrealism. random doodles everywhere. on my notebooks, my papers, my board... you get the point. coloring though, not so much love for that, i get a little impatient after a while lol

music is my biggest interest too! both art and music help me express myself and it's something i can always develop on. my favorite genres are rock and metal, buttttt if we had to get down to the specifics, i really like stoner rock + thrash metal. always open to listen to most genres (except dsbm and country)!

i also like to play games from time to time! i'm not that competitive though but i like fps games! osu mania is cool too i guess

unlimited charcter limit, but i didn't want to drag on. get to know me better by talking to me


here's the less fun part, whoops. not too sure what i want to do in the long run, but i'm thinking of either stepping into cybersecurity or being a software engineer/dev!

anything in the tech industry is cool. i'm no extreme tech wizz, but it fascinates me and it's scary to me on how it evolves so quickly. oops getting sidetracked, but if i end up not wanting to be in tech i want to be a detective

i really want to stay in tech though, so i plan to study more programming languages in my free time (if i ever get any)

i've briefly learned python and c but i want to touch up upon it again. also wanna start learning html, javascript and css a bunch more. gonna learn kotlin very soon!

also, if it helps anyone, i took that stupid 16personalities test and supposedly i'm an INTP-T?